শনিবার, ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Clashes in Yemen capital, window closing for talks (Reuters)

SANAA (Reuters) ? Explosions rocked the Yemeni capital Sanaa and clashes between government forces and soldiers backing protesters resumed on Thursday with time running low for a diplomatic solution to prevent the country from sliding into full-blown civil war.

Another anti-government demonstrator was shot dead and at least eight wounded by snipers just off "Change Square," where activists have camped out for eight months demanding an end to President Ali Abdullah Saleh's 33-year rule.

A ceasefire called by Yemen's vice president and acting leader earlier this week failed to hold for more than a few hours, lending greater urgency to diplomacy to end the bloodshed, which has killed some 86 people in five days.

"There are some initiatives being discussed for a political solution under the supervision of Jamal bin Omar and we hope these efforts succeed. Their failure will push this country into more violence," a high-ranking Yemeni opposition official told Reuters, referring to the U.N. envoy on the Yemen crisis.

In another sign of worsening conditions for a political solution, Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary General Abdbullatif al-Zayani left Sanaa empty-handed on Wednesday night after a two day effort to get a mediated power transfer plan signed.

That deal would see Saleh, who is recovering in neighboring Saudi Arabia from a June assassination attempt, hand over power in a matter of months. He has already accepted it only to back out at the very last minute on three occasions.

Yemen's bloody deterioration is causing alarm abroad because central governance has unraveled, leaving a gun-ridden power vacuum filled by al Qaeda militants and separatist factions near vulnerable oil shipping lanes in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

Back in "Change Square," angry protesters set fire to a house where they said snipers were hiding, while medics set up a blood donation campaign to help the wounded.

Escalating confrontation between heavily armed supporters of Saleh and his opponents points to the worst-case scenario for diplomats struggling to finalize the power handover deal while Saleh convalesces in Riyadh.

Lawlessness could also give fertile ground to al Qaeda, whose militants in the past few months have seized cities in a province just east of a key oil shipping channel.

(Reporting by Erika Solomon; Writing by Isabel Coles; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/world/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110922/wl_nm/us_yemen

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শুক্রবার, ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Microsoft And Nokia Release Windows Phone Porting Guides For Symbian Developers

windows_phone_logoMicrosoft and Nokia have teamed up on a package of new tools aimed at getting Nokia developers prepared for the transition to Windows Phone. Announced today are three jointly developed tools and guides, the most notable being the addition of Symbian Qt to the Windows Phone API mapping tool.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/TWHiG5d80tk/

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Facebook Ticker: Mark Zuckerberg's terrible plan to get us to share everything we do on the Web.




The future and what to do about it.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg delivers a keynote during the Facebook f8 Developer Conference. Click image to expand.Mark Zuckerberg wants you to share. He doesn't much care if you want to share. Sharing, in Zuckerberg's view, has morphed from an affirmative act?that video was hilarious, I think I'll Like it!?to something more like an unconscious state of being. I watched that video, and therefore it will be shared.

The technical changes that Zuckerberg announced at Facebook's developer conference on Thursday sound relatively straightforward. Facebook is giving you a much more well-designed profile (it's called Timeline, and it's beautiful), and it's allowing sites to build "social" apps within Facebook. (Slate's parent company the Washington Post, for instance, is launching a social news reader). But behind these changes lies a grander vision of the Web, and if Zuckerberg's vision takes hold, our digital lives will change forever. If Facebook's CEO has his way, everything you do online will be shared by default. You read, you watch, you listen, you buy?and everyone you know will hear all about it on Facebook.

Consider the new Facebook app from the music service Spotify, which automatically tells your friends what songs you're listening to. Look to the right side of your Facebook page, in a new box called the Ticker, and you'll see a message: Farhad is listening to The Spice Girls on Spotify. Puzzled by my choice, you click on my link?and now, whoa, Facebook begins to play the song for you.

Zuckerberg calls this "frictionless" sharing. What he means is that I don't have to bother with the "friction" of choosing to tell you that I like something. On Facebook, now, merely experiencing something is enough to trigger sharing. Once I sign up for Spotify's Facebook app, my consent is assumed: When I listen, I share. The same goes for the many other apps that Facebook's partners are launching. When I watch something on Netflix or Hulu, when I read something on The Daily, or when I play a game like Words With Friends, Facebook will tell my friends. Everyone I know on Facebook will now have a running log of my life.

This is a nightmare, but not for the reasons you might suspect. I don't hate this new model because of its lack of "privacy," or due to Facebook's clear financial interest in collecting my personal information. Zuckerberg stressed that these apps require users' consent to start auto-sharing; for me, that's enough privacy protection. And I don't begrudge Facebook making tons of money from what people do on its site?if people enjoy Facebook enough to keep coming back, the site should be free to make as much money as it can get.

My problem with "frictionless sharing" is much more basic: Facebook is killing taste.

Three years ago, Zuckerberg noted an astonishing statistic about the Internet?every year, people share twice as much online than they did the year before. If you Liked 100 news stories last year, you'll Like 200 this year, and 400 next year. People have come to call this Zuckerberg's Law, and it's obvious that Facebook sees "sharing" as the cornerstone of its future endeavors. The more that people share through Facebook, the more reasons people will have to keep coming back to Facebook, and the more central Facebook becomes in our lives. So far, this seems to be working: On a single day recently, Zuckerberg said, 500 million people logged in to Facebook.

For as much as he's invested in sharing, though, Zuckerberg seems clueless about the motivation behind the act. Why do you share a story, video, or photo? Because you want your friends to see it. And why do you want your friends to see it? Because you think they'll get a kick out of it. I know this sounds obvious, but it's somehow eluded Zuckerberg that sharing is fundamentally about choosing. You experience a huge number of things every day, but you choose to tell your friends about only a fraction of them, because most of what you do isn't worth mentioning.

Now Zuckerberg wants to lower the bar. "One thing that we've heard over and over again is that people have things that they want to share, but they don't want to annoy their friends by putting boring stuff in their news feeds," he said during his keynote. To me, this doesn't sound like a problem that needs solving. If Facebook users aren't sharing stuff because they worry it will bore their friends, good! Thank you, people of Facebook, for your restraint in choosing not to bore me.

But Zuckerberg couldn't let this undersharing stand. "Our solution was to create a new place that's lighter-weight where you can see lighter-weight stuff?that's how we came up with Ticker." If you translate "lighter-weight" to boring, you'll understand what Zuckerberg is saying: Facebook now has a place on its site reserved especially for boring updates.

Zuckerberg is right that the Web is better when everyone shares more. I love that I can discover new music, movies, and articles from Facebook and Twitter. Indeed, following the blizzard of recommendations that pour in from those sites has become the main way that I navigate the media.

That's why I welcome any method that makes it easier for people to share stuff. If you like this article, you should Like this article. And even if you hate this article, you should Like this article (add a comment telling your friends why I'm a moron). But if you're just reading this article?if you have no strong feelings about it either way, and if you suspect that your friends will consider it just another bit of noise in their already noisy world?please, do everyone a favor and don't say anything about it all.

Become a fan of Slate on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=f569e00346f25ec701bdf352c25bafe4

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

google online business | Internet Business Blog - How to start your ...

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Google Chief To Defend Search Service As Criticism Mounts

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones) -- Google Inc. (GOOG) Executive Chairman Erik Schmidt is set to defend the company's business practices at a congressional hearing on Wednesday, batting down criticism from other Web sites that the largest provider of Internet searches is manipulating its online-search system to steer users to its own sites. Read more

Tue, 20 Sep 2011 12:13:41 -0700

Google Wallet Opens for Business

Google has premiered the first version of its Google Wallet app, officially kicking off the mobile phone payment system it first announced earlier this year. Google also announced that Visa, Discover and American Express have made the first move toward getting on board with Google Wallet. Read more

Wed, 21 Sep 2011 08:05:50 -0700

Virginia & Google Launch Business Website

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Virginia businesses now have another way to get a website started. Gov. Bob McDonnell and Google officials on Tuesday launched the program "Virginia Get Your Business Online." McDonnell's Read more

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Business briefs: Google Plus network opens

Google Inc. has opened up its Google Plus social network to everyone after testing it with a limited audience for 12 weeks. Google said in a blog post Tuesday that it will now let anyone sign up for Google Plus. Read more

Wed, 21 Sep 2011 13:13:41 -0700

Google Chief Defends Search Service As Criticism Mounts

WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- Google Inc. (GOOG) Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt defended the company's search practices at a congressional hearing on Wednesday, batting down criticism from other Web sites that the largest provider of Internet searches is manipulating its online-search system to steer users to its own sites. Read more

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Source: http://onlinebusinesssystemsreviews.net/google-online-business/

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বুধবার, ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Defunct NASA satellite to crash to Earth this week

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida | Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:49pm EDT

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A defunct NASA science satellite is expected to fall back to Earth on Friday, showering debris somewhere on the planet although scientists cannot predict exactly where, officials said.

The 6.5-ton Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, or UARS, was carried into orbit during a space shuttle mission in 1991. It operated for 14 years, collecting measurements of ozone and other chemicals in the atmosphere.

Since completing its mission in 2005, UARS has been slowly losing altitude, tugged by Earth's gravity. On Friday, the 35-foot-long, 15-foot diameter (10.6-metres long, 4.5-metres diameter) satellite is expected to plunge into the atmosphere, NASA reported on its website.

While most of the spacecraft will be incinerated, scientists expect up to 26 pieces, with a combined mass of about 1,100 pounds (500 kg) to survive the fiery re-entry and fall down somewhere on Earth.

The satellite's orbit passes over most of the planet, from as far north as northern Canada to the southern part of South America.

NASA said the chance a piece of UARS debris will strike a person is about one in 3,200. The debris will mostly likely fall into an ocean or land in an uninhabited region of Earth.

Satellites as large as UARS re-enter Earth's atmosphere about once a year.

NASA said there have been no reports of any deaths or injuries to people from falling debris.

The largest chunk of wreckage from UARS is expected to be about 331 pounds (151 kg), says Nicholas Johnson, chief scientist of NASA's Orbital Debris Program office at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.

As of Sunday, UARS was in a 133-mile by 149-mile (215-km by 240-km) high orbit around Earth. Re-entry is expected some time on Friday, although it could happen as early as Thursday or as late as Saturday.

The agency is posting updates on its website, www.nasa.gov/uars.

(Editing by Kevin Gray and Cynthia Osterman)

Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/scienceNews/~3/I4U1UQt3nsk/us-space-debris-nasa-idUSTRE78I5GE20110919

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The Dark Side of the Milky Way (preview)

Image: Illustration by Don Dixon

In Brief

  • Dark matter is one of the great scientific mysteries of our time, but once astronomers accepted its existence, the answers to many other cosmic mysteries fell into place.
  • Whatever this unknown material may be, it seems to explain why the disk of our Milky Way galaxy has such a pronounced warp at its outer rim. Orbiting satellite galaxies naturally tend to distort the galaxy, but their gravitational effect would be too weak without the amplification that dark matter provides.
  • Another question dark matter answers is why the Milky Way appears to have fewer such satellite galaxies than models predict it should. It turns out that the satellites are probably out there, though composed almost entirely of dark matter, making them hard to detect.

Although astronomers only slowly came to realize dark matter?s importance in the universe, for me personally it happened in an instant. In my first project as a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1978, I measured the rotational velocities of star-forming giant molecular clouds in the outer part of the disk of our Milky Way galaxy. I worked out what was then the most accurate method to determine those velocities, and I sat down to plot out the results (by hand on graph paper) in the astronomy department lounge. Two other experts on the Milky Way, Frank Shu and Ivan King, happened by. They watched as I filled in the velocities of the outermost clouds, and the pattern we saw made it clear at once that the Milky Way was rife with dark matter, especially in its outermost parts. We sat and scratched our heads, imagining what the nature of the dark matter could be, and all the ideas we came up with turned out in short order to be wrong.

This study was one of many in the 1970s and 1980s that forced astronomers to conclude that dark matter?a mysterious substance that neither emits nor absorbs light and reveals itself solely by its gravitational influence?not only exists but is the dominant material constituent of the universe. Measurements with the WMAP spacecraft confirm that dark matter accounts for five times as much mass as ordinary matter (protons, neutrons, electrons, and so on). What the stuff is remains as elusive as ever. It is a measure of our ignorance that the most conservative hypothesis proposes that dark matter consists of an exotic particle not yet detected in particle accelerators, predicted by theories of matter that have not yet been verified. The most radical hypothesis is that Newton?s law of gravity and Einstein?s general theory of relativity are wrong or, at the very least, require unpleasant modifications.

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=b57c9e21d3b8da6c9f4b8b6a38180007

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মঙ্গলবার, ২০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Live Music fuels Australian economy to the tune of $1.2 billion

FEATURED live music australiaThis article is from APRA AMCOS out of Australia. The article discusses the findings of one of the few studies that measures the realistic economic impact of live music. Clearly, from the most basic statistics in the first sentence, live music is a real industry that gainfully employs a great deal of people.?

The first ever national study of the value of live music has found that in 2009/10 the Australian live music industry injected?$1.21 billion?into the national economy, with total profits and wages of?$652?million?and supporting almost?15,000?full-time jobs.

The outcomes of this study were released today in a report by Ernst & Young called, ?The economic contribution of the venue-based live music industry in Australia?.

The study examined the value of live music from a venue?s perspective and the figures demonstrate the industry?s significant contribution to the Australian economy.

The industry also attracts strong audiences with the report finding that 41.97 million patrons attended 328,000 venue-based live music performances at 3,904 venues across Australia in 2009/10.

The study was commissioned by APRA|AMCOS in conjunction with the Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Victoria, Arts NSW and Live Performance Australia.

Commenting on the findings,?Paul Mason, Director of Music at the Australia Council for the Arts, said, ?This report confirms the great audience interest in attending live music and provides evidence of the economic benefits to venues when presenting live music.? With this report we have a benchmark for measuring any changes in activity around the country, and this will be invaluable in informing discussion amongst policy makers and stakeholders about how to maintain and develop this important industry.?

APRA|AMCOS Head of Corporate Services, Dean Ormston?agreed: ?The values reflected in the research support our understanding of the importance of venue-based live music for APRA members. These venues have become the breeding ground for local talent, providing them with a public stage and the opportunity to perform live and fine-tune their skills as artists. While new technologies provide different ways for artists to reach audiences, live performance is critical for artists? technical and creative development, income generation and networking with fans and industry. The statistical results and direct feedback from surveyed venues demonstrate the significant economic contribution of the venue-based live music industry.?

Evelyn Richardson, Chief Executive of Live Performance Australia, said: ?These results complement earlier Ernst & Young research which found that the broader live entertainment industry generated gross revenues of $1.88 billion in 2008.?

Based on Live Performance Australia?s 2008 valuation of the broader entertainment industry and the figures from the new Ernst & Young study the whole live entertainment sector is valued at more than $3 billion in Australia.

About the Research
Commissioned by APRA|AMCOS in conjunction with the Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Victoria, Arts NSW and Live Performance Australia; industry stakeholders, including music industry and hospitality sector associations, have recognised the need to understand the national economic value of the venue-based live music industry in order to ensure future policy decisions consider the true value and potential of the industry.

The research was based on surveying live music venues including hotels, bars, clubs, restaurants, cafes and nightclubs.

Key Findings:

  • The live music industry generated gross revenues of?$1.21 billion?during the 2009/10 financial year. This was driven by patron spend at live music performances which included ticket sales to live performances and food and drink.
  • These revenues were generated from an estimated?41.97?million patrons attending approximately?328,000?venue-based live music performances at?3,904?live music venues across Australia.
  • $652 million?total profits and wages, or value add, were generated by the industry.
  • The venue-based live music industry supports employment of over?14,800 full time equivalent positions.
  • Based on a high level allocation of the national figures, a state by state view showsNew South Wales (32% of industry output) as the largest contributor?to the venue-based live music industry, followed by?Queensland (24%)?and?Victoria (22%).

(The percentages from this analysis are consistent with the state by state distribution of performer payment data collected by APRA.)

Summary: The economic contribution of the venue-based live music industry in Australia

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Source: http://www.americanrockscene.com/2011/09/19/live-music-fuels-australian-economy-to-the-tune-of-1-2-billion/

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How to get started as an online video publisher | Oval Egg Articles

This is a condensed write-up on "How to get started as an online video publisher" While a large amount of the time this area under discussion has not been awarded it's suitable share in the media nevertheless at the moment common people are communicating concerning Product Creation and sharing knowledge about Product Creation. Experts advocate that if the topic is crucial to you then you got to examine it with complete awareness and not scan over the writing.

This composition is work of Abraham David. If you feel like to take this piece of writing please link back to this page. Article on "How to get started as an online video publisher" starts after this.

Article Starts from Here:

If you haven?t heard about the revolution going on in the world of Internet video publishing, you?ve probably been living in a cave for the past year. Video sharing is the hottest thing on the Worldwide Web today. Brightcove.com is making a strong bid to build the platform for the next generation of video sites, and it?s a great place to get started as a publisher of online video products. Brightcove has great tools for driving traffic to your video channel and boosting sales:

Before we go on with the article let me declare that anything in this composition on "How to get started as an online video publisher"is my opinion, please do your exploration ahead of taking any action. Proper consultant on "How to get started as an online video publisher" should be consulted before taking any action. OvalEgg.com is not responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise from applying information contained in this article.

Create revenue streams on Brightcove from video downloads: You can sell and rent video downloads on the Brightcove.com and directly on your web site. Brightcove takes care of payment processing and live customer support. You control the terms of use and the price of each download product, of course, and keep 70% of the revenue generated from your sales. A tracking tool lets you monitor how your channel is performing on the Internet. You can measure your viewers and video streams on your affiliate sites as well as on your own web site. This tool also tracks your earnings from sales and rentals.

Be a live broadcaster of video products: Your channel appears automatically on Brightcove.com, making it easy for customers to find and buy your video downloads. As a broadcaster of video products, you can use Brightcove to build a community of users around your niche market. You can encourage your viewers to share your videos by enabling email links ands setting up subscriptions to video feeds. At all stages of the process you control how viewers share your videos-or if they can share them at all. This allows you to market content virally if you choose.

Video syndication to other web sites: Brightcove lets you create and manage your relationships with affiliates who want to syndicate your video products. You retain full control over programming and branding. Brightcove has entered into a partnership with AOL Video that creates an additional option for content distribution-as a Brightcove user, you can distribute paid downloads of your video products through AOL Video. The AOL platform lets you sell your video downloads directly to the huge audience at AOL.com.

Advertisers want to underwrite Internet video content: Online video publishers are generating significant revenue streams. Popular vlogs make money by selling subscriptions to users, by offering paid download content, and by attracting sponsors who want to enter into partnerships with creators of popular video products. Brightcove gives even free users the opportunity to earn advertising revenue from their video content. Newly launched channels are reviewed for inclusion in the Brightcove Ad Network. If your channel is included, you receive half of all the advertising revenue. Even if no ads run on your content, you still get free Brightcove service.

Brightcove?s customers already include Newsweek, Sony, Discovery Network, and the Tribeca Film Festival. Brightcove is one of the most exciting developments on the Worldwide Web today. You can stay informed of the latest developments in Internet TV by visiting their blog at http://blog.brightcove.com.

Thanks for taking a look at this peace of writing from Abraham. Please link to this webpage if you want to use this article anywhere. I hope you liked what I wrote on "How to get started as an online video publisher". I would be delighted to know what you think about it, negative or optimistic. Please leave a comment below and show me you are alive.

Article Source with Title: How to get started as an online video publisher
Article Source URL: http://ovalegg.com/internet-and-businesses-online/product-creation/how-to-get-started-as-an-online-video-publisher

Source: http://ovalegg.com/internet-and-businesses-online/product-creation/how-to-get-started-as-an-online-video-publisher

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সোমবার, ১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Reality tv, a cook named Duchamp and an actor committing suicide ...

The things an artist wants to talk about and what he actually ends up saying. Always an interesting topic. Take The Art of Entertainment by Belgian theatre director Jan Lauwers and his Needcompany for instance. Read the?programme afterwards and you?ll notice that there are lots of interesting issues Lauwers?wanted to address with this performance, and you?ll realize that they?have all been incorporated in one way or the other in this play about a reality tv-show during which actor Dirk Roofthooft commits suicide. But while I was actually watching The Art of Entertainment?(Kaaitheater, Brussels) I merely had the feeling of looking at a silly Tommy Cooper routine taking much too long. Funny, but tedious.

A play about the excesses of reality tv? Isn?t Jan?Lauwers a bit late with that??Haven?t we?said all there is to say about?Big Brother and his family already years ago? So: why this theatre performance about a tv-show, The Art of Entertainment, during which actor Dirk Roofthooft?will commit suicide? And during which his girlfriend Gena unexpectedly decides to do the same. Well, because it allows Lauwers to talk about a lot of the other issues that are on his mind.

Read the programme and they are all nicely pointed out to you. Art versus entertainment, the power of theatre, reality versus fiction/acting, terror and media, the surge of cooking shows on tv, the lasting influence of Marcel Duchamp?s Fountain?on contemporary art (since he turned a urinal upside down everything can be a work of art), the way contemporary media provide us with some sort of matrix we all tend to?live in, human sacrifice and the affluence of death in the news and? in tv-series, and of course: beauty (Disney!) in art, and the question if an artist should take account of his audience. All of that, and more.

But what do you get? A play which takes too long (the tempo is too slow) performed in that typical postmodern sort of way: turning everything upside down all of the time (he is dead, no he is not dead, he is an actor, he knows how to pretend,?haha), and building something up and then taking it down again. Just when you start believing a scene, they destroy it. Silly jokes and slapstick here, there and everywhere. Sure, it?s a clever patchwork of things, the actors are really fine and some of the scenes are choreographed in a great way with many things going on at the same moment. But some of it is really annoying too, such as that ever-present camera used for filming details that are shown on tv-screens on both sides of the stage. Screens you never ever look at.

Yes, I laughed at some of those jokes, had fun watching some of those slapstick moments. But unfortunately, that?s what I took home from this performance too: those moments of laughter and nice acting. But have I, since watching The Art of Entertainment,?been thinking about all?(or some of) the issues Jan Lauwers wanted to address in this performance? No.?I had to read about them in the programme. Too bad.

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Source: http://utopiaparkway.wordpress.com/2011/09/18/reality-tv-a-cook-named-duchamp-and-an-actor-committing-suicide-welcome-to-the-art-of-entertainment-jan-lauwersneedcompany/

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রবিবার, ১৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Top Six Social Media Marketing Mistakes | Marketing Useful Articles

Social media, in its current form, has been a major part of the internet since the early 2000s. While MySpace and Facebook pioneered what we now consider modern social networking, the ideas that drive social networking have been present for almost a decade, mainly through services such as blogs, IRC and instant messengers, and even peer-to-peer software. While social networking has given chat and networking a public face, it certainly did not invent online communications.

Given that this technology has been around for a relatively long period of time (at least in internet years) you would expect that companies, individuals, and brands have adapted to the mediums and worked out how to succeed on these platforms. Well, unfortunately, if you really expect that, you would be wrong. Despite years of social media, there are still just as many incompetent and clueless companies as ever.

These six social media mistakes are ones that we see all the time. From companies that are simply unfamiliar with the platforms, all the way to individuals who just won?t listen to feedback, these social media errors pop up continuously, making navigating social media difficult, frustrating, and just a little humorous. Read through, take notes, and make sure that your social media presence is mistake-free.

1) Responding negatively to feedback.

If a customer gives a negative testimonial about your business online, the absolute worst thing to do is respond in anger. Even if your response is justified, the internet ? social media circles particularly ? will quickly dish out mob justice to those that respond with ad-hominem attacks, intimidation, and poor customer service. Remember, social media is 100% public, and before you respond to anything online, check with your PR and marketing professionals for information on how to succeed.

2) Using automated customer communications.

?Thank you for your response. We?ll get back to you in three months.?

Social media gives businesses the ability to contact customers immediately, and that is what you should be doing. Nothing hurts more than a lost long-term customer, and without a clear and quick feedback process, that is what?s going to happen. Your social media team should be monitoring the discussion for your business name, responding to queries, and trying to set things right before customers have to go through support systems.

3) Trash talking competitors.

Don?t do it. Companies that do so look unprofessional, and looking unprofessional is the first step towards losing customers, clients, and online support. Your reputation is everything, and using it to tarnish someone else is poorly planned and very short-term.

4) Running ill-conceived contests.

Please, for your reputation?s sake, if you are running a contest, ensure that it will go smoothly. Quiznos, the sandwich chain, ran an online promotion offering customers free sandwiches in exchange for a simple online coupon. Stores turned down the coupons, customers got angry, and a wave of negative feedback flooded social media networks in response.

5) Being too promotional.

As much as customers like to hear about great deals, they prefer when it is mixed up with the DNA behind your company. While it may seem strange to full time employees, fans and customers love to hear about how your company operates, what you are currently working on, and how you are planning for the future.

6) Practicing spam.

Having someone as a follower is not an excuse to spam them. In many ways, social media inboxes are a more developed and dynamic email inbox. Just like email, social media users hate spam with a passion. If every one of your tweets or status updates is a promotional offer, merchant link, or affiliate sale, do not expect people to hang around long.

Related posts:

  1. Three Fallacies on Social Media Marketing Feedback
  2. Three Reasons Not to Respond to Users Via Social Media
  3. How to Use Social Media to Protect Your Reputation
  4. Five Rules for Creating Great Social Media Profiles
  5. Lucrative Benefits of Social Media Marketing to Online Entrepreneurs

Source: http://lmanewengland.org/top-six-social-media-marketing-mistakes?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=top-six-social-media-marketing-mistakes

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Source: http://www.articleloans.com/2011/09/18/payday-loans-amazing-finance-hotshots/

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Melissa & Joey Season One, Part Two hits DVD shelves this Oct 4

Melissa & Joey Season One, Part Two hits DVD shelves this Oct 4

Because someone's probably going to start a thread about it anyway. :)


The First Season of the ABC Family Hit Continues! The sparks continue to fly when Melissa Joan Hart (Sabrina, The Teenage Witch) and Joey Lawrence return in Melissa & Joey: Season One, Part Two, arriving on DVD from Shout! Factory on October 4, 2011.

Mel Burke is a young local politician who's in over her head after taking in her teenaged niece and nephew, and Joe Longo is her hunky commodities trader-turned-nanny. Finally, you can enjoy the highly anticipated second half of Melissa & Joey's inaugural season with this hilarious 2-disc set containing 18 episodes!

Melissa & Joey is a half-hour multi-cam comedy written and created by Bob Young & David Kendall, and executive-produced by Bob Young & David Kendall, Paula Hart, Melissa Joan Hart, and Joey Lawrence. The show also stars Taylor Spreitler (Days of Our Lives) and newcomer Nick Robinson.

Melissa Joan Hart has a list of credits far beyond her years.? Having made her first national commercial at age 4, she is now a veteran of television, film and theater. Joey Lawrence has grown up in front of his fans and has successfully made the transition from teen icon to a legitimate actor. He continues to build his audience whether through film, television or performing live on stage. Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence first partnered together on the ABC Family original movie, My Fake Fianc?, in April 2009.

Part of the Disney-ABC Television Group, ABC Family is distributed in over 98 million homes. ABC Family features programming reflecting today's families, entertaining and connecting with adults through relevant stories about today's relationships, all told with diversity, passion, humor and heart. ABC Family's programming is a mix of network defining original series and original movies, quality acquired series and blockbuster theatricals.?ABC Family is also the destination for annual Holiday events with "13 Nights of Halloween" and "25 Days of Christmas!" ABC Family.?A New Kind of Family.

About Shout! Factory
Shout! Factory is a diversified entertainment company devoted to producing, uncovering and revitalizing the very best of pop culture. Founders Richard Foos, Bob Emmer and Garson Foos have spent their careers sharing their music, television and film faves with discerning consumers the world over. Shout! Factory's DVD offerings serve up classic, contemporary and cult TV series, riveting sports programs, live music, animation and documentaries in lavish packages crammed with extras. The company's audio catalogue boasts GRAMMY?-nominated box sets, new releases from storied artists, lovingly assembled album reissues and indispensable "best of" compilations. These riches are the result of a creative acquisitions mandate that has established the company as a hotbed of cultural preservation and commercial reinvention. Shout! Factory is based in Santa Monica , California . For more on Shout! Factory, visit www.shoutfactory.com.

Shout! Factory is distributed in Canada by Vivendi Entertainment.

Source: Press Release
Written or Contributed by: SuperginraiX

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 16:22


Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:06

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:07

Huh.. I've been under a rock too long.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:21

"Zechs" wrote:

Huh.. I've been under a rock too long.

In this case. I would take that as a good thing.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:27

I'm going to get so much shit for this: It's actually a fun sitcom, both Melissa and Joey were the best things about the sitcoms they used to be attached to so it's no surprise they work extremely well together.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:45

"doombug" wrote:

I'm going to get so much shit for this: It's actually a fun sitcom, both Melissa and Joey were the best things about the sitcoms they used to be attached to so it's no surprise they work extremely well together.

icon_eek.gif you are dead to me. 003.gif

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 18:06

It's nowhere near community or Parks and Rec to me but it's still a fun show.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 18:13

I haven't seen it yet but I'd like to. Joey is so dreamy.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 19:39

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 19:43

"doombug" wrote:

I'm going to get so much shit for this: It's actually a fun sitcom, both Melissa and Joey were the best things about the sitcoms they used to be attached to so it's no surprise they work extremely well together.

It's a modern version of Who's the Boss. icon_redface.gif

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 19:58

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 20:37

"doombug" wrote:

I'm going to get so much shit for this: It's actually a fun sitcom, both Melissa and Joey were the best things about the sitcoms they used to be attached to so it's no surprise they work extremely well together.

Yea me too. Its damn funny. I know I should hate it but its so damn funny.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 20:38

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 21:45

I tried to watch this today and I couldn't finish a single episode.

It was very corny.

And I thought it was kind of whack to have this on ABC family when it was making jokes that were way out of line for kids (stuff about scoping out naked women, dd breasts and some others).

Also Hart reminds me very much of my cousin which is a bad thing.

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Source: http://www.theouthousers.com/index.php/television-movies-music/television/tv-news/15708-melissa-a-joey-season-one-part-two-hits-dvd-shelves-this-oct-4.html

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Barry Diller Skewers AOL For Firing Michael Arrington From TechCrunch

dillershotEarlier today at The Paley Center for Media's International Council, IAC Chairman and Senior Executive Barry Diller took the stage for a keynote conversation with Jason Hirschhorn, CEO of reDEF Group. Among the topics discussed: AOL's recent announcement that TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington had "decided" to move on. Diller has extensive experience and strong opinions about media ??IAC has a 50% stake in The Daily Beast/Newsweek ??and he didn't mince words. In short, he thinks AOL has committed an incomprehensible blunder. Here's a transcript of the exchange, which begins at 31:50 in this video.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/55al5FC5hk0/

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Nokia 500 Price, Specifications and Features - Tech news and reviews

Nokia 500 Price, Specifications and Features ? Making Your Communication Easier With the Touch Screen Phone

Nokia 500 Price, Specifications and FeaturesDid you want to talk to your family in the other place? Did you need the best cell phone to make your communication easier? Did you know the Nokia mobile? Nokia is one of the leading companies which make many gadget products. The leading product of this company is the cell phone. As we all know, the Nokia?s cell phone can be the sturdiest cell phone ever. The price is not easy to go down. It can be a good infestation if you purchase this brand?s cell phone.

The Nokia 500 is the new product from this company. It is the touch screen cell phone with many features. This is a Smartphone which can be use for your communication. You can find the easiness of communicate with this phone. The touch screen make you feel more comfortable, you just have to touch it a bit to operate it. Those interesting feature make this cell phone become high selling rate in the year.

After reading Nokia 500 Price, Specifications and Features you will understand why this cell phone becomes the top selling. You will never feel bored if you own this cell phone. This cell phone will make your communication easier. Purchase this cell phone now.

Nokia 500 Price, Specifications and FeaturesNokia always release user friendly phones with functional features. The Nokia 500 is a low priced smart phone that does not miss the basic character of Nokia phones. Here is the Nokia 500 Price, Specifications and Features information. It is a new touch screened mobile phone that uses Symbian Anna Operating System supported with powerful 1 Giga Hz processor. The?3.2 inch touch screen display has 640 x 360 pixels screen resolution.

There is also 5 mega pixels camera with autofocus feature. The smart phone has 2 GB internal memory that can be expanded up to 32 GB. There is also 3.5 mm audio jack for audio output feature. The connectivity of this smart phone has the Wi-Fi feature and 3G connectivity. This smart and compact phone measures 111.3 long x 53.8 wide x 14.1mm deep and weighs only 93 grams. The battery can handle 5 to 7 hours of talk time and about 450 hours on stand by. It can support up to 35 hours of music playback. There are several options of colors available for this smart phone. The retail price of Nokia 500 phone is about 150 Euros. Basically, Nokia 500 is an affordable smart phone with high speed processing, compact design and multicolored in appearance.

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Arra ? who has written 729 posts on Tech news and reviews.

Arra Loves technology, phones, gadgets news and tech reviews, so I'll blogged and share it to the world :).

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Source: http://techtaps.com/nokia-500-price-specifications-and-features-4906.html

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Management Reporter: ?Cannot connect to the Management Reporter Server. Do you want to specify a different server address?? | Microsoft Dynamics AX, CRM & GP Blog

I am a Principal Consultant with I.B.I.S. but this is a personal site. The opinions here are my own and not necessarily those of I.B.I.S., Inc.

Use all advice, code, suggestions, recommendations and other information provided on this site at your own risk. No warranty of any kind is provided for the use of this information. Site owner is not responsible for any use or misuse of this information.

This site is not affiliated with Microsoft. Microsoft, Dynamics GP, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, Dynamics SL, Dynamic CRM, the Microsoft Dynamics Logo, Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, SQL Server and FRx are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Content Copyright 2005-2011
by Mark D. Polino, CPA
Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DynamicAccounting/~3/Kuei3cYR_BY/management-reporter-cannot-connect-to.html

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Toronto limo transportation company. A good Toronto limo transportation company is the one which is registered. A registered company will provide the best services and at the same time, if it is charging a little extra, then it is perfectly alright because, only a legitimate company would charge relatively higher price. A cheap or a bogus company would fool people by charging lower prices first and would not show up at the designated time and would also not return the money. Instead, choosing a legitimate Toronto limo
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Source: http://www.articlepublish.cubicinfo.com/take-hassle-free-luxurious-buffalo-airport-limo-services-2/

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NY special election a measure of Obama's strength (AP)

NEW YORK ? Democrat David Weprin faced an unusually tight race against Republican Bob Turner in a special election Tuesday in New York's heavily Democratic 9th Congressional District, where voters unhappy with President Barack Obama could elect a Republican for the first time.

The contest to replace disgraced Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner has become too close to call, with public opinion polling showing a slight edge for Turner, a retired media executive with no previous political experience.

Both candidates hit the streets Tuesday, meeting voters and trying to boost turnout, the key in most special elections. Weprin had a full public schedule of get-out-the-vote events, while Turner's only scheduled public appearances were his vote Tuesday morning and an after-the-vote party at a restaurant. His campaign said he would be out in the district all day drumming up support.

Panicked at the prospect of an embarrassing loss, Democrats have poured cash into the race and sent in their stars to try to save Weprin, a state lawmaker who has been forced to defend Obama's economic policies even as he tries to stress his own independence and close ties to the community.

Republicans are working to frame the race as a referendum on Obama, even though turnout is usually low in a special congressional election.

"It wasn't planned that way, but this is the only nationally contested election on the federal level, so it is, in a way, a referendum on President Obama's policies," Turner said Tuesday.

(Nevada also has a House election Tuesday after a shake-up that started with Republican Sen. John Ensign's resignation amid a sex scandal. Republican voters are trouncing their Democratic counterparts at the polls in a GOP-leaning district that has never elected a Democrat.)

On Monday, House Republican Leader Eric Cantor argued that a Turner victory would be an "unprecedented win" and the latest evidence of voter dissatisfaction with Obama.

"That district is not unlike the rest of the country. People are very unhappy with the economy tight now, and, frankly, I would say unhappy with the lack of leadership on the part of this White House," Cantor, of Virginia, told reporters in the Capitol.

Back in the district that spans parts of Queens and Brooklyn, Turner campaigned with Rudolph Giuliani, the popular former New York City Republican mayor.

There are also six special elections for vacant state Assembly seats and several local races on the ballot around the state.

Weprin campaigned at a senior center Tuesday and greeted voters at a subway stop with Democrats including U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler.

With a large population of Catholic and Orthodox Jewish residents, the 9th Congressional District is broadly blue collar and more conservative than many others in the city. It's the kind of white, working-class environment that Obama struggled with in his 2008 campaign even as he was easily winning most other traditional Democratic constituencies.

A Siena Poll released Friday showed Turner leading Weprin among likely voters, with a 50 to 44 percent margin. The same poll found just 43 percent of voters approving of Obama's job performance, while 54 percent said they disapproved. The president fared much worse among independents. Just 29 percent said they approved of his job performance, while 68 percent disapproved.

On Tuesday, Weprin said the polished Democratic machinery would get people to the polls.

"We have a lot of people with us, and I think we are going to pull out the votes," he said. "I think the polls are not going to reflect who's going to come out to vote."

Hoping to shift the momentum in the final days, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has invested more than $500,000 in ads in New York's pricey television market. An independent Democratic group, the House Majority PAC, is running ads, too. And Obama for America, part of the Democratic National Committee that support the president's re-election, is urging volunteers to rally behind Weprin.

The party also has enlisted two of its biggest guns, former President Bill Clinton and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, to record phone calls for Weprin. And Democrats are relying on organized labor and other affiliated groups to bring voters to the polls.

"When voters learn the real difference between David Weprin and Bob Turner, they'll vote their Democratic values," DCCC spokeswoman Jennifer Crider said.

Weprin has tried to cast Turner as hostile to popular entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare. It's a formula that worked for another Democrat, Kathy Hochul, who won a heavily Republican upstate New York district in a special election last May by vowing to protect those programs.

But Weprin, an orthodox Jew, has been on the defensive on gay marriage and Israel, which could peel away some support from the Orthodox community. He voted in favor of same-sex nuptials in the New York Assembly, and some Jewish voters have threatened to withhold support for Weprin because they disapprove of Obama's policies toward the Jewish state. Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, a Democrat, endorsed Turner.

"Rightly or wrongly, it is (part of the race)," Turner said Tuesday. "This president has been less friendly than any other president in recent history, and I think today voters can hold him to account for it."

The House seat opened up in June when Weiner was pushed by party leaders to resign after sending sexually provocative tweets and text messages to women he met online.


Associated Press writers Andrew Taylor and Julie Pace in Washington contributed to this report.


Beth Fouhy can be reached on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/bfouhy

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110913/ap_on_el_ho/us_ny_special_election

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Teaching technology in the future ? Raspberry Pi | The lost outpost

Before you dismiss this as TL;DR ? it?s a subject dear to my heart, and I believe that there?s some cool content as well as some storytelling ? do give it a chance!

A sad state of affairs

I believe that we have lived through the best period to teach and learn about computers and technology, and that over the past few years we have been creating a void, a vacuum, in which progress may be diminished.

Google?s Eric Schmidt recently called out the British education system as holding back or dismissing our technology heritage.?According to a ZDNet article on his speech in Edinburgh:

Schmidt said the UK?s approach to technology in education ? not making IT compulsory as a subject at the GSCE-level and not providing enough support for science students at colleges ? meant the country was ?throwing away? its computing heritage.

See also the BBC and Guardian coverage of the story.

I can?t say I think he?s wrong, and I can?t say I?m surprised. Anyone who has heard me ranting about the state of things in a side conversation at any recent event in the past couple of years, will have heard me tell a similar story. When I was a lad ? and I know that some of those who read this will be older, just let me reminisce without interrupting, OK? :-) ? I grew up on an early Commodore PET with green screen, followed by BBC Micros, Acorn Electrons, etc. I?ve had a couple of occasions to look back on that era recently, with a visit to The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park, seeing the team from TNMoC visit the Brighton Mini Maker Faire, and through talking to folks at TransferSummit (of which more, in a moment). In my day, you plugged in the power, the machine made a satisfying BEEP! and you were presented with a black screen with the word BASIC and a > prompt. That?s just how things worked. To do anything else, you had to tell the computer to do it ? and you learned a lot as you did so!

Without wanting to sound like some kind of old fogey ? kids today never had it so good! They have grown up in an era where all they have ever known is a world where every computer is connected to the Internet, a giant brain which appears to be all-knowing (and I know that this is how a 3 or 4 year old thinks: my own younger family members have said ?we?ll just look it up on the Internet, it knows everything?, without understanding that humans have known everything, and the computers just tell us what we?ve told them, at a basic level). They have fast, interactive machines which are dramatically more usable ? and instead of bulky noisy systems which were just about user-serviceable, ideally when you had an antistatic wrist strap to hand? they have magic, thin, sheets of glass that can be controlled at the slightest touch.

That?s fantastic. It puts children today in a position where they can be more creative than ever before ? I could barely edit low-quality digital scanned photos by the time I left school, let alone edit full HD video with a variety of awesome effects. So one thing we can teach them is how to use creative tools like? oh I don?t know? Office suites (capitalisation deliberate, sarcasm heavy).

The thing is ? we don?t need to teach schoolchildren how to use a productivity tool like that. By the time they have sat watching us for 5 minutes aged 6, they intuitively ?just get it?. Worse is the fact that we?ve nearly removed the ability to look under the covers at what makes the machines work ? certainly in a hardware sense you?d need a very advanced knowledge of microelectronics to do anything with the innards of most smartphones, and software is often becoming more and more locked up to the whims of the hardware manufacturers (naming no Apples). Plus of course, everything is online. So what does this mean for the curiosity to take things apart either in hardware or software, see how they work, and build something new?

(the irony is not lost on me that as a History graduate, I?m an unusual spokesperson for this debate)

Makers and getting back to basics

KitTen, Uno, Nanode One of the reasons I?m excited by the trend towards making things ? what I?ll term the Maker movement, in a nod to the Brighton Mini Maker Faire?and the magazine that has inspired the events ? is that it reflects both our natural human curiosity and interest in building things, and making them work. I also think that is part of the reason behind our interest in prototypable electronics like Arduino?- we have gone through a period of making things smaller, more compressed and proprietary, and the pendulum is swinging back towards open hardware, simple construction, and ease of learning. This is a huge, great and important step, in my opinion.

Enter ? a Raspberry Pi

So how can we take advantage of that trend towards discovery and learning, and combine it with small cheap electronics, to really make a difference? Well, you may have heard of the Raspberry Pi Foundation ? it has had a fair amount of coverage in the UK anyway, with the promise of a new low-cost computing platform which could theoretically replicate the success of the BBC-sponsored, Acorn-built, BBC Microcomputers from the 1980s (and backed by one of the most successful computer games authors of that era). Those BBC Micro systems were rolled out across schools all over the UK, and pretty much anyone in the 30-40 age bracket will have learned to write some kind of BBC BASIC or LOGO code at some point in their education, and have looked at fractals and played a variety of classic 8-bit games. My first home computer was an Acorn Electron, an affordable beige ?keyboard box? that could be plugged straight into a home TV in 1984, with games and programs loaded off a (then) common cassette player.

The folks at Raspberry Pi believe that having a cheap computer which can be presented as an education device could be a success. At the TransferSummit last week, I met Eben and Liz Upton from the project, and had a chance to play with the system first hand. I also made a quick film of this amazing little computer playing full HD video ? and the excitement is obvious in the fact that it has received nearly 50k hits on YouTube in just 4 days, probably helped by an appearance on the Raspberry Pi blog and also in a feature on Geek.com!

One of the things that Eben spoke about was the idea that it would almost be more interesting for these things to boot to a Python prompt instead of a full Linux desktop (which it is well-capable of doing), in order to ignite kids? imaginations and force them into doing something more creative than simply doing what they would do with any other computer. I kinda like that suggestion!

Risks, and what else can we do?

I?m excited. As I said several times to Liz and others at the event this week ? it?s a British organisation with vision, with an amazing idea, a product that works, and the desire to really reconnect children ? particularly those in the developing world ? with technology and how to drive it.

I can see a ?number of risks, but the last thing I want is to be a naysayer here ? I really, really want these folks to succeed. However, just looking at the excitement amongst hobbyists like me, and reading some of the comments posted on my video already, I realise that there?s a danger that the supplies of these things will quickly be snapped up by those wanting to make funky small home systems for themselves, rather than the altruistic wanting to help youngsters to learn (heck, I want one! so I understand that!). Or, kids may see these as just another form-factor of computer of the kind they are used to, plug it in, go online, and do nothing different to what they are already capable of. Another issue is that a bare board (the initial version won?t have a box, although that would be easy enough to fab) and a lack of instructions or clear fixed ?syllabus?, if you like, may discourage teachers now used to teaching desktop computing and productivity tools, from embracing the potential to help students to create. It?s also entirely possible that these things will simply be cloned elsewhere. For all of these reasons, I?m determined to do what I can to promote the Raspberry Pi concept as an educational tool, and to support the team behind it. It?s important. It deserves to be a massive success.

So, what else can we do?

One thing is to go and sign the brilliant Emma Mulqueeny (aka @hubmum)?s e-petition on the UK gov website. She?s campaigning for an earlier entry for programming into the classroom, at primary level, particularly to encourage more girls to take an interest in technology. I think this is a brilliant step. Nik Butler has posted about the importance of teaching this stuff, too, and I encourage you to read his post ? I particularly support the way in which he refutes the list of reasons why this sort of teaching is allegedly a ?bad? idea. He?s also talked about the Raspberry Pi on the Social Media White Noise podcast #70.

Another thing is to visit and support The National Museum of Computing, preferably with some kids you know ? help them to see where we have come from and where we are going.

It?s obvious to me that we need to change the way we think about teaching IT, computing, and technology. Earlier teaching of programming is important. I also think that a basic understanding of how a computer system fits together would help, as well as a high-level understanding of the way in which the Internet works. Importantly though ? and this rolls into a whole other passion of mine which I won?t rant about today ? increasingly as we come together online, I think it is increasingly important to teach tolerance, understanding of other cultures, and good online community behaviour. How we collectively go about doing that, I?m not entirely sure ? but it feels important.

Thanks for indulging me on this particularly long post ? it really is a subject I care deeply about. And all that stuff about technology ? from an historian and Arts student :-P

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Source: http://andypiper.co.uk/2011/09/12/teaching-technology-in-the-future-raspberry-pi/

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মঙ্গলবার, ১৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Pulau Mabul Scuba Diving Along With its Incredible Underwater ...

Malaysia?s major diving destination and situated about the east aspect of Sabah Borneo, Sipadan Islands are one of several must-dive regions for the majority of scuba divers and rated among the list of most fabulous dive spots while in the world. Up until several decades ago, the government has stopped any kind of accommodation for the fundamental island due to environment factors. These days, divers stay at close by Mabul or Kapalai Island even when 120 on a daily basis dive permits are issued out to divers for diving at Sipadan Islands. Not a location where you?d probably bring your family but if everyone dives, why not. Accommodations range from finances lodge fashion appropriate till 5-Star Resorts at Pulau Mabul and Kapalai Island. A marine police station may be the only structure which is on Sipadan Island. Test for the rainy year.

Positioned about 30 minutes from mainland Semporna, Pulau Mabul incorporates a shallow reef profile with sandy bottom and patches of sea grass. The coral reefs to begin with glance don?t glance quite picturesque and inviting. Although, it?s the diversity of macro animals inhabiting the coral rubble and sea grass internet sites that put Pulau Mabul on diving map. Mabul Island is slightly greater than Sipadan, as well as has its unique village. Even so, the seascape in Mabul is starkly a variety of, yet still similarly incredible. At the same time pelagics are the essential star in Sipadan, Mabul can be described as macro heaven because of its diversity of tiny marine lifetime.

The usual route to Mabul is catch a direct flight to Tawau Airport, there you are likely to be attained and transfer by air-conditioned coach to Semporna, a fishing city, the journey normally takes about an hour and fifty percent. From Semporna you are going to board a speedboat that may consider you to your Sipadan Water Village on Mabul Island, as well as the journey will usually takes about an hour. A small island off the south eastern coast of Sabah in the Celebes Sea, Pulau Mabul is known as a mere 30 minute boatride from your world legendary Sipadan Island .

The island by itself is surrounded by quite a few coral reefs, which has however, endured like a consequence of dynamite fishing in area inside previous. The resulting carpet of sediment in the destroyed reefs settled about vast areas while in the waters encompassing the island, evolving into an ideal habitat for entire ecosystems of microscopic marine daily life to thrive. These sandy locations are well known between underwater macro photographers who indulge in dives in murky waters containing numerous microscopic marine lifestyle.

Positioned in direction of the southern end of Pulau Mabul. Eel Backyard is without doubt one of the deeper dives round the vicinity. Divers descend to a sandy flat concerning 20 to twenty five metres sloping toward the open sea. Spend Position is a really dive web-site that slopes to about thirty metres at the sandy bottom. It is also found to the southern suggestion of Mabul. A continuing currents sweeping thru this stage bringing distinct h2o and very good visibility all 12 months round. Sea enthusiasts and delicate corals that thrive in up-to-date regions are house to various species like blennies, butterfly fish, damselfish, gobies, parrotfish and stonefish.

Mabul Island, Pulau Mabul

Source: http://www.3nm.org/recreation-sports/pulau-mabul-scuba-diving-along-with-its-incredible-underwater-world/116611/

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সোমবার, ১২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Getting Started on our FIRST Everyday Food Storage Cooking Club ...

Like I mentioned last week, we?ll be starting a cooking club this year on the blog (if you want more information about the club, click HERE). Don?t worry it?s FREE and EASY! All you need are a couple of friends who would also like to learn how to cook with food storage and to check my blog. For the first month, we?re going to do JAMS-and I?ve enlisted MY FRIEND, Jana Darrington from the Utah State Extension Office, to help! Homemade jams are surprisingly easy and even more surprisingly better tasting than anything you can buy in the store.

Today, we?ll go over what you?ll need to begin (including a FREE downloadable Home Guide for Canning) and go over all those different types of pectin. Over the next few days, I?ll have videos showing how to make cooked jam with no pectin, no sugar, regular sugar and then we?ll have a refresher course on freezer jam-so you?ll have everything you need to get your club going!


This is THE guideline for home canning and it?s FREE to download?thanks to the Utah State Extension Office! It has everything you know to keep you and your family safe with home preserving! So make sure you and your friends all get a copy of this! Click HERE to download your copy today for FREE!


The Ball company is the other trusted source for recipes for all things canning. Remember it?s very important to use recipes that are tested to be SAFE!



?If you?re going to do cooked jams, you?ll want to make sure you have CLEAN JARS, NEW LIDS, a waterbath and these other canning tools to make your life easier!


?For freezer jam, the beauty is that you can use ANY glass jar or plastic container. This is a great way to re-use any glass jar or plastic container you?ve got with a lid (unlike the cooked jam). I discovered these Ball freezer jars last year and have fallen in love with them! They have marked fill lines and are easily stackable (The lids have a feature where they fit into each other to make finding space in your freezer easier.)


Have you ever wondered which pectin is right for you and your jam or jelly? ?I know I?ve had fun moments of staring in front of the pectins in the grocery store with little kids trying to figure out which I?d need. ?That is why I asked Jana to help us! ?In this video she goes over which pectin is best for your project!

You can find pectin at your local grocery store. ?It?s usually in the baking aisle (near the gelatins) or if you live in a high canning area, the grocery store may have it?s own canning aisle. ?You can also find pectins online:
RealFruit Low or No Sugar Needed Pectin, 4.7 oz
Sure Jell Pectin, 3.5-Ounce (Pack of 4)
Ball Fruit Jell Pectin


This is a great time to get some fruits in bulk on sale. ?Some fruits that are in season right now that you may want to think about turning into jams are plums, nectarines, peaches, concord grapes, apples and apricots. ?You may also want to ask around and see if anyone has any fruit growing on a tree that they won?t use, the best way to do canning is when you can get the product for FREE. ?So get creative, I?m sure there is someone out there with too much growing on their tree!


If you?re looking for more ways to make this a real party or you just want some really cute downloadable labels for your jam, you?ve got to visit?www.sweetpreservation.com. ?They have great information!


Make sure you come back tomorrow to learn how you can make cooked jam with out any added pectin! (It?s also my new favorite jam, so you won?t want to miss it!) What kind of jam are you planning on doing with your friends? Let us all know over at my facebook page!

? 2011, Crystal. All rights reserved.

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Source: http://everydayfoodstorage.net/2011/09/12/september-food-storage-cooking-club-jams/food-storage-recipes

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