বুধবার, ২৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২

Latest News as of 2/28/12 | Legal Studies


1) Come In Now ? Early AC Advising
2) Fa12 LS Courses
3) Present Your Research
4) Prytanean Society
5) Research Info
6) Relay for Life UCB


1) Come In Now ? Early AC Advising

Come In Now ? Early AC Advising

Come in now for your early AC advising.
It?s been super quiet around here, so don?t delay.
If you need to declare, get on it!
The details are on the Legal Studies website.

If you?ve already declared, you?ll need a new advisor code for Fa12.
Once you are officially declared, each semester you need a new four digit advisor code from me in order to get into Telebears. As long as you sign up for units during Phase I, you don?t need the code for Phase II.
If the College ?blocks? your registration because you are too close to being a senior, you?ll need to declare to be unblocked.

So far 23 of you have come in! Yay! Thank you!
There are 177 more of you who still need to come in.
Please spread yourselves out.
Don?t wait until telebears starts.
Don?t wait until after midterms are over.
Come in now!

If you come in early, I?ll e-mail your code to you when its becomes available.
Thank Yoooooooou!!!!


2) Fa12 LS Courses

Fa12 LS Courses

Here?s a sneak peak at the courses we?re offering for Fa12.
Details for most courses can be found on the LS website.
Courses are 4 units unless otherwise noted.

LS R1B, Racial Identity & the Law, Bruce, No Areas
LS 39D, Current Political & Moral Conflicts & the Constitution, Frosh/Soph Sem., Pomerantz, No Areas, 2 units
LS 100, Foundations of Legal Studies, Perry, Area I or II or III
LS 105, Foundations of Criminal Law, Dan-Cohen, Area I or III, 3 units
LS 107, Theories of Justice, Song, Area I
LS 145, Law and Economics I, McCrary/Talley, Area I or III
LS 151, Law, Self & Society, Dan-Cohen, Area I, 3 units
LS 154, International Human Rights, O?Connell, Area I or II
LS 155, Government & the Family, Hollinger, Area III or IV
LS 163, Juvenile Delinquency & Juvenile Justice, Zimring, Area III or IV
LS 170, Crime & Criminal Justice, Perry, Area IV
LS 177, American Legal & Constitutional History, Brown, Area II
LS 180, Implicit Bias, Plaut, Areas to be determined
LS 184, Sociology of Law, Edelman, Area III or IV
LS 190.1, Law, Politics & Literature, Shapiro, Area II
LS 190.2, Legal Theory Seminar, Dan-Cohen, Area I, 3 units
LS 190.3, Restorative Justice, Abrams/Frampton, Areas to be determined, 3 units
LS H195A, Honors Thesis Seminar, Musheno, No Areas

The list of law-related courses from other departments will come sometime later on.
Currently I?m only able to look at a preview of what other departments intend to offer, which isn?t reliable enough at this point.


3) Present Your Research

Present Your Research

Present at the Fourth Annual UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium!

The UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium is now accepting
?sociological? papers that deal with society, social issues, social
policy, etc. Submissions from any and all disciplines are encouraged. The
Symposium is a fantastic opportunity to share your research with the
greater UC Berkeley community, including undergraduates and graduate
If you are interested in attending but not presenting, the Symposium will
be a wonderful chance to check out the exceptional level of research that
defines academic excellence in the social sciences and humanities at UC
Berkeley. So come join us for a day of compelling research, networking,
and free lunch!

Registration Form: http://sociology.berkeley.edu/symposium/
Date: Friday, April 6, 2012
Keynote Speaker: Robb Willer


Time: Registration 9-10 a.m. // Sessions 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2012
Selection of Papers: May be competitive depending on student
Registration Cost: Free. Lunch and light breakfast provided. Students
interested in attending (but not presenting) should register ASAP as
registration will be conducted on a first come, first service basis.
Sponsored By: The Berkeley Undergraduate Sociology Association, Alpha
Kappa Delta Sociology Honors Society, the Department of Sociology, and the
Questions/Contact: ucberkeleysymposium@gmail.com


4) Prytanean Society

Prytanean Society

The Prytanean Society was founded at Berkeley in 1901 to recognize Cal women students who demonstrate faith, service and loyalty to the University Of California, Berkeley.? The Prytanean Prize is awarded to a woman student with junior standing in recognition of campus and community service as well as academic excellence (GPA Of 3.2 required).? The recipient will receive at least a $1000 cash prize that will be presented at the Prytanean Alumni Brunch on Saturday, April 14, 2012, at the Bancroft Hotel.? www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~prytnean


The student will need to join the PRYTANEAN STUDENT AWARDS BSPACE SITE to create a DROP BOX where nomination packet materials will be submitted.

(Go to bpsace.berkeley.edu, Calnet authenticate, and then choose the ?memberships? tab on left menu; type in ?PRYTANEAN STUDENT AWARDS? and join.).

The deadline is 5pm, Friday, March 16, 2012.? Nomination form is attached and is also on the Resources Section of? the Prytanean Student Awards Bspace Site.


5) Research Info

Research Info

Dear Undergraduates,
This newsletter contains:

1.? Remaining workshops through March 2 ? these are the last scheduled workshops this semester
2. A list of upcoming program deadlines from now through March 23rd
3. Call for Papers: 4th Annual Sociological Research Symposium
4. Call for Papers: The Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics

If you would like to sign up for the weekly undergraduate research listserv so you don?t miss any late-breaking news,? paste this link into your browser: mailto:undergraduate_research-request@lists.berkeley.edu?subject=subscribe

held from now until March 2nd:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
SURF/L&S ($3500, juniors, L&S, 3.0 gpa) and
SURF/Rose Hills ($6000, sophomores and juniors, So Cal residents, US
citizens, 3.5+ gpa, certain math/science/engineering majors)
Info Session: Find out about benefits, eligibility, and application
tips for these two undergraduate research programs.
Information Session | February 28 | 4-5 p.m. | 9 Durant Hall

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
How to get started in undergraduate research: Workshop A
Workshop | February 29 | 9 a.m.-10 p.m. | 9 Durant Hall
Last scheduled workshop A for the semester!

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Writing a Research Proposal: Workshop B
Workshop | March 1 | 12-1:30 p.m. | 9 Durant Hall

Friday, March 2, 2012
Writing a Research Proposal: Workshop B
Workshop | March 2 | 3:30-5 p.m. | 9 Durant Hall
Last scheduled workshop B for the semester!

For more events, please check our events calendar at

2.? Upcoming Research Program DEADLINES through March 15th


UCDC (internship in DC w/ associated research)

Judith Lee Stronach Baccalaureate Prize
Up to $25K for a creative or public service project, for 2011-12 graduates.

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program
The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) program at UC Berkeley targets students with exceptional academic promise in selected humanities and social sciences disciplines with goals to be faculty that will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in the academy. The program supports Fellows with academic year and summer stipends, research support, and travel monies to enhance their undergraduate years and provides faculty and graduate student mentoring, guidance on graduate school and professional development skills to be competitive for the best graduate schools. The MMUF program selects undergraduates with four semesters remaining at Berkeley. With both intellectual and professional development support Fellows can realize their greatest potential as graduate students and later extraordinarily successful faculty members and role models for future generations.

Pre-IMSD Summer Research

The Pre-IMSD (Initiative for Maximizing Student Development) Summer Research Program provides an
introductory research experience in the labs of UC Berkeley faculty members for students who want
to explore their interest in a research career in the biological sciences. The overall goal of the
IMSD Program is to increase the number of students from groups traditionally underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences who go on to pursue and earn Ph.D.s in those fields. Projects this summer include the fields of molecular biology, developmental biology, behavioral endocrinology, biogeography, and toxicology.
The program runs from May 29 ? August 3, 2012 and includes:
??????? Paid research in selected faculty labs
??????? Seminars and workshops on research
careers and professional development topics
??????? Students organizing and presenting their
research at an end of summer symposium
??????? Mentoring and advising by IMSD staff,
Scholars, faculty and Graduate Fellows.
To learn more, please visit http://imsd.berkeley.edu/researchers.html.
The UC Berkeley IMSD Program is sponsored by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of
the National Institutes of Health.

Center for Race and Gender Undergraduate Grants Program

$3500 for juniors to pursue an independent
project.? Eligibility:? 3.0 gpa, F?12 or S?13
grad, in any L&S major.? Last summer forty-seven
awards were made.? Web site is updated and
application is now open!

SURF/Rose Hills
$6,000 for sophomores who seek a research
experience, or juniors who want to pursue an
independent project.? Eligibility:? 3.5+ gpa,
SoCal home address, US Citizen, selected math and
science majors/intended majors (see web site for
list).? Forty two awards will be made!
Application is open ? see web site.

Biology Fellow Program

TRUST-REU (engineering summer apprenticeship on computer security)

Are you planning on applying to PhD or combined MD/PhD programs in the biological or behavioral sciences? Consider applying to the UC Berkeley Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) and Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Scholars Programs!
The overall goal of the programs, which are sponsored by the NIGMS of the NIH, is to increase the number of students from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences (underrepresented ethnic minorities, low-income students, students with disabilities, first generation college students) who pursue PhDs or MD/PhDs in these fields. These fields include most biological science-related disciplines.
APPLICATIONS ARE DUE MARCH 22, 2012 for a start date at the beginning of Summer 2012.
Benefits include:
* Significant funding for research over 1-2 years (IMSD) or 2 years (MARC), including a salary/stipend, conference travel, and lab supply award
* Professional development activities to help students get into grad school and become successful scientific leaders
* Individualized academic, personal, and career advising, including help with graduate school applications
* Leadership, service, and mentoring opportunities to help diversify the sciences
* A supportive community of fellow research scholars
* More!
Prior research experience is required. Please see the websites for more details and to download the application:
You can also talk with Rachel Henderson, Program Coordinator (<mailto:rhenderson@berkeley.edu>rhenderson@berkeley.edu) or Corey Welch (<mailto:coreywelch@berkeley.edu>coreywelch@berkeley.edu), Assistant Program Coordinator, if you have questions about the programs or the application.

STEER Program: Short Term Educational Experiences for Research in Environmental Health Sciences for Undergraduate Students

rolling deadlines:

ASUC Academic Opportunity Fund (all majors)

HISTORY UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH GRANT (for history majors? senior theses)

Semiconductor Research Corporation Undergraduate Research Opportunity
Program (Fall, Spring, Summer programs)


Student Opportunity Funds (SOF)? all majors

3. Call for Papers: 4th Annual Sociological Research Symposium

Present at the Fourth Annual UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium!
The UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium is now accepting
?sociological? papers that deal with society, social issues, social
policy, etc. Submissions from any and all disciplines are encouraged. The
Symposium is a fantastic opportunity to share your research with the
greater UC Berkeley community, including undergraduates and graduate
If you are interested in attending but not presenting, the Symposium will
be a wonderful chance to check out the exceptional level of research that
defines academic excellence in the social sciences and humanities at UC
Berkeley. So come join us for a day of compelling research, networking,
and free lunch!

Registration Form: http://sociology.berkeley.edu/symposium/
Date: Friday, April 6, 2012
Keynote Speaker: Robb Willer
Time: Registration 9-10 a.m. // Sessions 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2012
Selection of Papers: May be competitive depending on student
Registration Cost: Free. Lunch and light breakfast provided. Students
interested in attending (but not presenting) should register ASAP as
registration will be conducted on a first come, first service basis.
Sponsored By: The Berkeley Undergraduate Sociology Association, Alpha
Kappa Delta Sociology Honors Society, the Department of Sociology, and the
Questions/Contact: ucberkeleysymposium@gmail.com

4. Call for Papers: The Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics

The Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics invites you to submit original research papers, analytical essays, and translations of any length (from Latin or Greek.) Papers should be relevant to the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean world, written by undergraduates of all departments including Art History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Anthropology, History, Comparative Literature, Near Eastern Studies, and Rhetoric.

Seeking Rigorous and Original Research Papers, Analytical Essays, and Translations of Any Length:

* Submissions must adhere to the Chicago style of
Please include the following in separate attachments:
* An abstract of no more than 250 words
* A cover page with title, author?s name, email address, major(s), university, date (of
paper written), and year of graduation.
April 10th, 2012


6) Relay for Life UCB

Relay for Life UCB

Date: Saturday, April 21st ? April 22nd, 2012
Time: 3pm-3pm
Location: Edwards Stadium

UC Berkeley Relay for Life is an annual 24-hour cancer walk that celebrates the lives of survivors, remembers those who have lost the battle against cancer, and brings the community together to fight back. The money we fundraise goes toward research, education, advocacy, and free patient services. This is Cal?s tenth Relay event, and it will be bigger and better than ever before!

Who: All Members of the UC Berkeley Campus Community!
When: Saturday, April 21st ? April 22nd,3:00 p.m. ? 3:00 p.m
Where: Edwards Stadium
Registration Cost: $15 for Team Captains (1st person to sign up), $10 for Participants
Register at: relayforlife.org/ucberkeleyca

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us at
Go Bears!


Source: http://legalstudies.berkeley.edu/?p=979

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Evaluate Personal Loan- Free Of Charge Beneficial Tip For ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Evaluate Personal Loan- Free Of Charge Beneficial Tip For Proability Bankruptcy Medical ChargesReviewed by Zoe on Feb 27.Rating: B? including ??? th?t seasoned market speculators b? n? means ???ld ... Following going owing t? ?t ??? w?ll ?nd up surpass knowledgeable ?b??t information ?n ??m? way related city financial ?r maybe oklahoma unsecured 100 day loans regarding t?rr?bl? consumer confidence. Of th? Fed s n?w rounded ?f personal debt b??? very low rates m?? ...

Source: http://www.zazoel.com/evaluate-personal-loan-free-of-charge-beneficial-tip-for-proability-bankruptcy-medical-charges/

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রবিবার, ২৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২

Dolphin Browser HD 7.3 (for Android)

If you're looking for an excellent alternative to the stock Android browser, Dolphin Browser HD 7.3 (free) is your app. It's not the fastest, but the latest version retains its Editors' Choice?designation for bringing together the most complete collection of thoughtful features in a mobile browser, without compromising on performance. Version 7 massively improves upon last year's version 5 by adding multi-device sync and a slick new RSS reader. Dolphin also carries your basic features like Flash support and Add-ons, while improving its killer feature: customizable gestures.

So if you're fishing for the UI sensibilities of?Firefox 10 (free, 2.5 stars) and the multimedia aptitude of?Opera Mobile 11?(free, 3.5 stars), reel in?Editors' Choice Dolphin Browser HD 7.3.

Dress for the Occasion

For those accustomed to the stock Android browser, Dolphin is a fluid transition. Users can access everything from bookmarks to browsing history by clicking the phone's Menu button. Moreover, Dolphin mimics Firefox: swiping in from the left reveals a Bookmarks drawer; swiping from the right unveils Add-ons and Themes, should you care to dress your browser for holidays?be it Christmas or Halloween.

The latest version freshens up an already crisp interface. Contextual menus are backlit with fluorescent green. The left sidebar gains a "Quick Access" drawer for key functions (such as Settings), a search button, and single-click bookmarking. The right panel loses Settings, but makes room for a visual tabs button. And every time you open a new tab, Dolphin now uses Speed Dial, Opera's visual bookmarking system, to automatically populate it with your favorite websites.

Add-ons make customizations more meaningful, bringing LastPass, Web to PDF, and Amazon Search into your mobile browser. The selection isn't expansive, but there's utility to be gained. While Dolphin matches Firefox step-for-step when it comes to Add-ons, it's a sloth when it comes to syncing. Dolphin Connect lets you sync bookmarks and custom gestures across all your Android tablets and smartphones. Syncing with iOS devices is on its way, Dolphin promises.??

Meaningful Gestures
One of Dolphin's cleverest features is so obvious that it seems like it ought to be standard fare for any mobile browser. Gestures lets you draw symbols to perform commonly used actions. You click the Gesture button, pinned to either the bottom left or right-hand corners of the screen?for left and right-handed users, I'm presuming?to reserve the screen for your Gesture. For example, to refresh a webpage, draw a circle. To open a new tab, an N. In addition to eight preloaded gestures, you can even create your own Gesture: I used a B to open bookmarks.

Sleek Mobile RSS Feed
I thought Dolphin's new Webzine feature would be superfluous, but it's now the first thing I open after launching Dolphin. Webzine aggregates online publications onto one page, in a series of thumbnails. Tap a thumbnail to scroll through the publication's news feed, which displays titles and summaries in boxes. Tap a box to open the original article in a new page. Webzine supports hundreds of titles like The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, and TechCrunch. Webzine's interface is very clean, with ample white space to help you scan articles quickly.?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/tBi-_xxrbXA/0,2817,2383132,00.asp

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শনিবার, ২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২

Healthy foods missing from stores in low-income black neighborhoods, UGA study finds

Healthy foods missing from stores in low-income black neighborhoods, UGA study finds

Friday, February 24, 2012

Most convenience stores have a wide variety of chips, colorful candies and bottles of sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages. While shoppers can buy calorie-heavy foods wrapped in pretty packages in these locations, what they usually can't find are the fresh produce, whole grains and low-fat dairy products necessary for a healthy diet.

These stores are the only nearby food source for millions of Americans living in what are called food deserts, because they are isolated from affordable healthy food. In recent studies, University of Georgia foods and nutrition researchers uncovered the unequal distribution of food stores in one Southeast community. The first study covered access to stores for people using food stamps, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, while the second study looked at what healthy foods were available at supermarkets, grocery and convenience stores. Both studies found access to healthy food is most problematic in low-income, predominately black neighborhoods.

"Easy access to affordable healthful foods is essential to promoting health and preventing diseases," said Jung Sun Lee, assistant professor in the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences and co-author of a pair of studies examining the food environment on the Florida Panhandle.

"Research examining food environments is a relatively new area in the nutritional sciences," she said. "Understanding the distribution of different kinds of food stores and the kinds and quality of the foods they offer has the potential to provide an explanation of why and how individuals are able or unable to follow dietary recommendations."

The Florida-Georgia connection surfaced when Connie Betterley, a community health promotion coordinator, worked with fellow Leon County Health Department administrators to collect data with a goal of making policy changes and interventions to improve access to healthy food. One of those collaborators was UGA graduate Sohyun Park, who contacted Lee about evaluating the data.

"She knew that UGA graduate students with similar interests in food environments needed data to analyze for their theses and dissertations, so a very nice collaboration developed to complete this project," Betterley said.

The studies examined 48 neighborhoods in Leon County, Fla., whose residents were identified as having high rates of childhood obesity and diet-related deaths. Using Geographic Information System technology and a registry of food stores, the distribution of food stores across neighborhood racial composition, wealth and rurality were examined. Comprehensive food store surveys were used to access the price and availability of healthy foods by food store type, neighborhood income level and racial composition.

Accessibility of SNAP-accepting stores

Results from the first-ever study of food deserts in relation to food assistance benefits accepting stores will be published by UGA researchers in the March issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

"The size and types of stores available may have considerable influence on what people purchase and consume, ultimately influencing their health," said Samantha Rigby, a former UGA graduate student and study co-author. "Access to supermarkets has been shown to promote healthful food choices, and these stores are the most likely type of food store to provide the greatest variety of foods at the lowest prices."

SNAP, formerly the Food Stamps Program, provides food assistance to more than 43 million Americans a month. Florida is home to 2.9 million recipients; 10 percent of the population in the study area relies on assistance for food.

"While they may qualify for financial awards, there are no accessible stores that accept SNAP, or stores with enough variety in foods to fully utilize their benefits," Rigby said.

Primarily black neighborhoods tend to have less access to SNAP-accepting supermarkets than white or mixed race neighborhoods. In fact, no supermarket was available in predominately black neighborhoods in Leon County. SNAP-receiving residents in primarily black neighborhoods in the county may have limited shopping options because the food store type that is most likely to accept benefits, supermarkets, is not present.

"Because this racial group historically has a higher prevalence of chronic disease than whites, lack of SNAP stores nearby and resulting limited food choices may further decrease the quality of their diet and health," Rigby said.

Accessibility of healthy foods

An accompanying study looking at foods available in accessible stores was published in the November 2011 issue of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's publication Preventing Chronic Disease. The study looked at the availability and price of healthful foods by type of store, neighborhood income level and racial composition within a community that has high rates of diet-related illness and death.

"This study suggests that access to supermarkets and more healthful foods varies by neighborhood, which may negatively influence people's eating behavior," said Angela Leone, a former UGA graduate student and co-author of the article.

A sample of 10 fruits and 10 vegetables was examined in the grocery, supermarket and convenience stores sampled. While supermarkets carried all of the products, grocery stores lacked variety in fruits and convenience stores did not carry any vegetables.

"Fruit availability scores were significantly higher in high-income than in low-income neighborhood stores," Leone said.

All supermarkets carried low-fat milk. About 63 percent of grocery stores had low-fat milk while only 36 percent of convenience stores stocked the healthier dairy option. Whole wheat bread was available in supermarkets, but it was much less likely to be found in grocery stores (38 percent) and convenience stores (7 percent). Identical products also cost more in convenience stores.

"For dietetic professionals such as myself, these studies were eye-opening," Leone said. "We often think there is a lack of nutrition education or nutrition knowledge when in fact there may be other barriers that individuals face that inhibit their ability to follow a healthy diet, such as the nutrition environment that they live in and around."


University of Georgia: http://www.uga.edu

Thanks to University of Georgia for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 86 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/117893/Healthy_foods_missing_from_stores_in_low_income_black_neighborhoods__UGA_study_finds

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Roy Nelson?s excellent adventure includes sleeping in a capsule and, um, feasting on blowfish testicles

Roy Nelson probably didn't need to prove his toughness anymore after he survived the beating he took from Fabricio Werdum in their heavyweight match on Feb. 4 at UFC 143 in Las Vegas. In video from Dana White's video blog, Nelson is seen complaining that he felt he won the fight, which provokes a chuckle from UFC owner Lorenzo Fertitta.

But if you didn't believe in the big man's toughness before, perhaps you will after watching the tour of Japan that he did while in Tokyo for UFC 144, which is Saturday at the Saitama Super Arena.

Nelson went to a Buddhist temple and showed off some strange sleeping quarters, which more closely resembles a dog kennel, at the Asakusa Capsule Hotel.

By far, though, the highlight of the tour is when Nelson & Co. went to a Tokyo restaurant and ate blowfish. Not only did Nelson eat blowfish filet, he also ate blowfish testicles.

It's hard to tell whether or not he likes it, though the odd guttural sound he made after swallowing the blowfish testicles might give away his true feelings.

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? Bobby Knight's son says his players will be homeless without jobs
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Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/roy-nelson-excellent-adventure-includes-sleeping-capsule-um-043328688.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২

Try These Nutrition Tips Today | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

If you know nothing about nutrition, it can seem a little overwhelming at first. However, there is plenty of information available that can help you understand it. The nutritional advice in this article provides a good foundation for making better choices. Also make sure to take the necessary steps to plan out your diet, and you will become healthier over time.

Understand the difference between good carbs and bad carbs. Many people lump all carbohydrates into the ?bad? category. This is a fallacy, and some of them are actually good. For your brain and body to function properly, complex carbohydrates are essential. If you understand the differences in certain carbohydrates, you can make healthier choices next time you are shopping at the grocery store.

A good nutrition tip is to use less dressing on your salads. By pouring dressing on top, you are turning a healthy meal into a bomb. Dressing is okay to use if used in small amounts.

It is most beneficial to your health to work out a sleep cycle that is steady and consistent. If you go to bed and get up at different hours all the time, your internal clock will not be able to regulate itself properly.

Use a juicer to make homemade fruit juices that are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Add a burst of flavor to your fruit juice with some vegetables. For a little extra flavor, add a little ginger to your carrot apple juice blend. You can even include part of a jalapeno to give it some much-needed spice.

Many foods, such as whole grains foods, brown rice and oatmeal can boost serotonin levels which makes you feel better These foods also contain a lot of fiber; that will keep you fuller longer. The boost of energy you get from consuming sugary junk food is temporary and will end with a sugar crash. Make sure you remove junk food from your life for a healthier lifestyle.

The United States is faced with an obesity epidemic which is frequently blamed on American?s fascination with fast food. It is true that fast food is terrible for our bodies. Eating these foods on a daily basis can pack on the calories quite fast, which causes us to gain weight. You should aim to minimize or eliminate your fast food intake, and have your lunch prepared ahead of time, instead of eating at a fast food place.

Keep an eye on your children and make sure you monitor their daily sugar intake. Diabetes is becoming prevalent in children thanks to the types of foods they are consuming on a daily basis. Even parents who have hectic schedules can feed their children nutritious foods if they think about what they will serve in advance.

Do you desire to have a healthier lifestyle? If so, you have to eat right! You must think about ways in which to incorporate good nutrition into your life. Minimize the use of fats and oils as much as you can. Focus on using those oils that offer vitamins and minerals, such as olive and canola oils, and that have heart-healthy fat. Try consuming more fish, just make sure to eat it in moderation.

No matter what, everyone should consider nutrition. Nutritional health is built on what you eat and drink and is critical to becoming fit and healthy. Even though practicing good nutrition can be difficult at times, if you use the tips from the article, you can practice good nutrition.

Lisa Angeles is a well-known author, Sh used to write the articles and blogs on different topics like health, nutrition, supplements,diet, exercise etc . Checkout her article on Lifewave scam and celebrating home scam

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Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/02/24/try-these-nutrition-tips-today/

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Apply to be a NASA space food tester (Yahoo! News)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Yahoo! News - Was your favorite part about a visit to the Air and Space Museum the little packets of space ice cream they sell at the gift shop? If so, you'll be glad to know that scientists are preparing to create a new generation ?

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/tech/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_technews/20120223/tc_yblog_technews/apply-to-be-a-nasa-space-food-tester

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২

Samsung HM1800

Like last year's Samsung HM3600?($59.99, 4 stars), the $39.99 Samsung HM1800 is?an inexpensive mono?Bluetooth headset with a small, minimalist design. It improves upon the HM3600 in a number of ways, but suffers from two of the same drawbacks. Poor noise cancellation and a lack of A2DP streaming mean that this headset is only useful if you plan to keep your calls indoors.

Design, Fit, and Pairing
The HM1800 measures 1.6 by .7 by .4 inches (HWD) and weighs .28 ounces, placing it among the tiniest Bluetooth headsets we've tested. Made entirely of plastic, with a black body and dark gray front panel, it looks unobtrusive and classy. The top edge is home to a hardware power switch and LED indicator light. The back edge holds a covered microUSB charger port, while the bottom edge features two volume control buttons. The front panel contains the headset's multi-function Talk button.

The headset features an on-ear design, which means the rubber ear tip rests on your ear rather than in your ear canal.?It comes with two identical, detachable plastic ear hooks, along with three different rubber tips. One of those tips is meant to be worn in conjunction with an ear hook, while the other two allow you to use the HM1800 without a hook. Of these, I found the hook to be the most comfortable, secure option. One of the standalone rubber tips fit my ear more comfortably than the other, but neither made the headset feel completely secure. Using the hook felt safer, and because the headset is so light, it barely felt like it was even there.

The HM1800 is automatically set to pairing mode the first time you turn it on. For subsequent pairings, just hold down the Talk button for three seconds until a voice prompt says "Ready to pair." The HM1800's uses a voice prompt-based interface that provides battery and connection status updates, along with usage instructions. I found it helpful, but you can turn it off if you'd like.

Voice Quality, Noise Suppression, and Conclusions
The HM1800 is a multipoint headset, so you can pair it with two devices simultaneously. For this review I paired it with an Apple iPhone 4S?($199.99, 4 stars) as well as a Samsung Galaxy Nexus?($299.99, 4 stars). I had no trouble pairing the headset to either phone or initiating voice dialing. Battery life is good, too, at 7 hours and 36 minutes of talk time. According to Samsung, the headset should last for over twelve days on standby. Given its small size, those numbers aren't too shabby.

Voice quality is mostly good, minus one key element: noise cancellation. Voices sound rich and full through the headset, if just a touch muddy. And calls placed with it are clear, if somewhat thin. Samsung doesn't specify what type of noise suppression technology the HM1800 employs, but calls placed outdoors were extremely difficult to hear, even when it wasn't that noisy. Lots of wind came through, along with plenty of ambient noise I barely even noticed while placing the call. For that reason, I wouldn't recommend this headset if you mostly plan to use it while on the go.

Additionally, the Samsung HM1800 doesn't support A2DP, so you can't use it to listen to streaming media like apps, audiobooks, music, or podcasts, on your cell phone.

The Samsung HM1800 is small, inexpensive, and features mostly good call quality. The lack of A2DP is understandable at this price, but poor noise suppression holds this headset back. The Plantronics M50?($49.99, 3.5 stars) is another good budget option, as it adds A2DP streaming into the mix, though it too suffers from mediocre noise cancellation. The?Samsung HM6450?($99, 4 stars) is a better buy, thanks to its improved outdoor transmission quality. While it lists for $99, you can pick one up for less than $50 from numerous retailers. And if you need to be sure you can use your headset anywhere, the?pricey Jawbone Era?($129.99, 4.5 stars) is tops for noise suppression, along with the previous-generation Jawbone Icon?($99.99, 4 stars).?

More Bluetooth Headset Reviews:
??? Samsung HM1800
??? Logitech Wireless Headset
??? Plantronics M50
??? Bose Bluetooth Headset Series 2
??? Plantronics Voyager Pro HD
?? more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/b4ITIXoHERo/0,2817,2399254,00.asp

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How the REO to Rental Program Will Impact the Economy | The ...

Read about RentJuice's views on the REO to rental program

Image by techfun via Flickr

At RentJuice, we see the economic contribution of small businesses ? property managers, local property owners, and real estate brokers ? who make money by facilitating rentals every day. In fact, the vast majority of homes and apartments on our platform belong to owners who only have a few properties, and the lion?s share of offices who are building businesses on the RentJuice platform have only a handful of leasing agents.

Since its launch in 2009, our team has witnessed the intense nationwide struggle to be successful in selling homes. Many real estate pros have turned to rentals as a source of income during these challenging times. With millions of homes in or facing foreclosure, a greater concentration of homes now belong to mortgage loan servicers as ?real estate owned? (REO) properties. The Wall Street Journal reported that Fannie and Freddie owned about 180,000 homes at the end of September, and FHA owns another 35,000. Those homes, if released in mass for purchase, would continue to depress home prices across the country and further damage local businesses built on investing in real estate.

With that perspective, I?d like to share our views on the program being initiated by the government to stimulate housing rentals and defer the flood of foreclosed homes, often called the ?REO to Rent? program. REO properties will be released to investors who can purchase homes if they commit to hold the properties and rent them for a specified period. It is our belief that this program is both necessary for stabilization and improvement of the housing market, and a massive economic opportunity for the entire real estate ecosystem.

First, we think this program positively addresses known economic trends in the rental and for sale markets. Economic research like S&P/Case-Shiller to Zillow?s Home Value Index all displayed continued declines in home prices in 2011. While total foreclosures declined last year, many attribute the slowdown in foreclosure to a temporary delay in processing alone. At the same time, rents increased about 2% to $1,064 in the US, according to research firm Reis, with steady rents being sustained mainly in areas simultaneously hit hard by unemployment. Property management software company RealPage, in its quarterly earnings call just yesterday, noted an imbalance in supply and demand, and forecasted increased lease prices for their 7.2 million rental units in the coming year. Adding new rental supply and damming the foreclosure flood seem irrefutably necessary. This action keeps rentals affordable, loosens very tight vacancy rates, and raises the floor on potential home prices.

Second, this program enables an entire housing ecosystem to be more active. According to the Commerce Department, new home construction rose just 1.5% in January, and when you exclude multifamily development, single-family home construction was down 1%. That not only affects builders, but also the team of? people who convert a lot of land into an occupied home ? from carpenters and electricians to real estate brokers and web designers. The investors who purchase REO properties will have to partner with companies or individuals who can help lease and maintain the properties. No hedge fund or private equity firm has an in-house property management arm that can fix leaky faucets or broken air conditioners. Homes that have been vacant for months or years need to be improved, cleaned, and inspected. No one can execute on this strategy alone, and we think the pool of income generated by rolling out this program will have far-reaching effects across a number of service industries.

Indeed, rentals can literally reshape a small and slow real estate business amidst difficult real estate sales. Take Jorge Guerra of Real Estate Sales Force, a user of RentJuice in the hard hit South Florida real estate market where I grew up. During a visit to his office in December, he shared with me that since using RentJuice, he has gone from a small handful of agents in Coral Gables to nearly 200 across all of South Florida, and a recent market share report in the Miami market placed him within the top 10 companies in the area. His agents are building relationships among tenants and property owners, and often find the ability to sell a home during the rental marketing process. By being active in rentals, he is now available to decision-make for all types of real estate transactions.

Third, this program will inevitably bolster local real estate businesses. Housing rentals seem simple: a vacant home is occupied by someone who agrees to pay a monthly fee. But the real work is far more complex and dependent on local variables. With so few rental homes on a traditional MLS, seeking comparables for pricing is a bear. Marketing outlets vary in their local effectiveness, with traditional Internet Listing Services (ILS) or real estate search sites providing inconsistent inventory coverage or traffic from market to market. Security deposits, disclosures, and eviction policies vary from one city to another. Local real estate brokerages and property management companies therefore become essential partners.

An entire supply chain must mobilize to make this policy effective. Addressing this national economic need will require investors, bank partners, local firms, and technology platforms to work together. We are thrilled to be a contributor to this powerful and transformative policy, and look forward to helping in any way we can.

Source: http://blog.rentjuice.com/how-the-reo-to-rental-program-will-impact-the-economy/

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মঙ্গলবার, ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২

A Guide To Building Muscle For Better Health! | New Health and ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

It is up to you to change your life, and the fact that you?ve searched for information on muscle building tells me that you?re interested in doing just that. You want to improve your health, your body and your mind, and this article is a great start, so keep reading!

Photographs are among the best ways to track your progress while lifting during the course of the year. Take a picture at the start of your workout and compare this to the end of the first week, the end of the first month and to the completion of your overall workout. This can help to present your results in a visual form.

In order to gain as much muscle as possible it is important for someone to eat multiple small meals throughout the day. The meals need to consist of protein; carbohydrates and good fats if they are going to give the body the fuel it needs to grow muscle and burn fat.

Working out to build muscle is most efficient if you focus on large muscle groups. These include the back, legs, and chest. Implementing workouts that focus on these groups will do the most work in the shortest amount of time, meaning that you?ll grow muscle more quickly and easily than with other workouts.

To build bigger muscles, you should always eat as soon as you get up in the morning. An early breakfast prevents your body from breaking down muscle tissue for energy, which will simply slow down your progress. Choose high-protein foods, and ensure you also eat plenty of carbs at breakfast.

Focus on the negative. Everyone focuses on the lift when they are trying to build muscle, but it is equally important to place emphasis on the negative, or downward, move of each repetition. When you do this, you help to stretch the muscle while creating tension, which can lead to just the right amount of muscle fatigue to promote future growth.

In order to effectively build muscle, eating often is required. However, if you have a busy life, it can be difficult to find time to eat. Meal replacements are a great way to fulfill the need to eat if you do not have the time to prepare real meals. They provide a sufficient amount of protein and nutrients, and can also help you avoid eating unhealthy fast food alternatives.

Even though training is important for muscle building, you also need to eat more each day. You have to eat to build more muscles and a lot of people overlook that fact. Make sure you get in the habit of eating breakfast every day. After your workout, you need to eat proteins and carbohydrates to help your muscles recover. It is important to eat every three hours. By eating 6 times each day, you are giving your body a steady intake of proteins which not only boosts your metabolism but also aids in muscle recovery and repair.

When attempting to build muscle mass, it is important to eat whole foods. By eating whole food products, you will achieve a lower-body fat; therefore, your leaner body will be able to show the muscles you have built much better. You cannot achieve a leaner body by eating junk from a box! You should aim to eat whole foods at least 90% of the time.

If you are trying to build muscle, eat several small meals a day instead of three large ones. Your body will most effectively use the calories, vitamins, minerals, and protein sources that you put into it, if it only has to work on digesting a small amount at a time. This can lead to increased fuel for the muscles that you are working.

The stronger your body, the better you?ll feel about yourself. It?s amazing how working on building muscle can change your whole outlook on life! I hope that what you?ve read in this article helps you to start working out in a way which makes you feel great every single day.

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Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/02/20/a-guide-to-building-muscle-for-better-health/

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সোমবার, ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২